Participări la simpozioane și conferințe

OECD-CVM symposium on financial education – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Scrisoare de mulțumire pentru participare

Participare la simpozion județean – Inspectoratul Școlar Județean Vâlcea

Participare la simpozion global OECD

Dear Ms. Golosoiu
The OECD/INFE Secretariat and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation wish to express their sincere thanks for your active participation in the symposium which took place on 4-5 October in Moscow. We hope that you found the event useful and relevant for your work on financial education.
Please find attached a thank you letter from André Laboul, OECD, and Andrey Bokarev, Ministry of Finance.
The speaker presentations can be found on the symposium web page and the summary record will be added in due course:
You may also be interested to see the photos and videos.
We hope to see you at our next financial literacy event in Cape Town, South Africa, in May 2019.
With kind regards,
The OECD/INFE Secretariat
Dear participant Ligia Golosoiu,
The OECD/INFE Secretariat and GFLEC wish to express their sincere thanks for your active participation in the symposium.
Please find attached a thank you letter from Flore-Anne Messy, Executive Secretary of the OECD/INFE and Head of the OECD Insurance Private Pensions and Financial Markets Division.
We hope that you found the event relevant for your work on financial education and we take this opportunity to inform you that the speaker presentations are available on the symposium web page: The summary record will be added in due course, with an annex containing research selected from our call for papers.
We hope to see you at our next financial literacy event in Moscow in October and wish you a safe journey home.
With kind regards,
The OECD/INFE Secretariat
High-level global symposium: “Effective financial education for sustainable and inclusive growth”, 18 May
18 May, OECD Conference Centre, Paris, France
Thank you for registering for next week’s high-level global symposium to advance financial literacy, organised by theOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center (GFLEC).
Please note the following:
- Arrival: Please arrive early to allow for registration and security formalities and be seated by 08h50. There will be coffee and croissants to welcome you from 08h15. Please do not forget to bring your QR code and photographic ID with you to obtain your visitor’s badge.
- Social: The OECD Secretariat invites you to join us for a cocktail to mark the 10th anniversary of the creation of the OECD International Network on Financial Education (OECD/INFE). It will take place directly after the symposium in the George Marshall room of the OECD Château.
- Evaluation: After the symposium, in order to help us improve the organisation and relevance of future events, we would be grateful to receive your feedback via this short questionnaire.
- Cancellation: If you are no longer able to attend the symposium, please cancel your registration so that we can offer your place to someone else.
We wish you safe travels and look forward to welcoming you.
The OECD/INFE Secretariat